Will Electric motorcycles be better in the future
 2022/04/02 | View:700

According to figures released by 2021, production and sales of motorcycles in China have all returned to 20 million units, the best level since 2014. In recent years, electric vehicles are gradually eating into the market share of fuel vehicles. Electric cars will account for half of the global car sales by 2030, according to LMC Automotive, an industry data company. Not coincidentally, the electric motorcycle also has part of the growth potential from the alternative fuel motorcycle, when the environmental standards as the entry threshold, the fuel motorcycle is bound to face transformation.

Electric motorcycle

China is the world's largest producer and consumer of electric motorcycles, with more than 350 million electric vehicles in the country and sales of 47.6 million electric vehicles in 2020, up 23 percent year on year, according to industry data, an average of 57M two-wheeled electric vehicles will be sold over the next three years. In recent years, the brutal growth of electric motorcycles has come to an end, and clear macro-and micro-drivers have emerged: on the one hand, our government, in order to actively combat climate change, the task target of "Achieving Carbon Peak by 2030 and achieving carbon neutrality by 2060" has been set. Carbon neutrality and the new national standard have become the key macro-factors driving the development of the electric two-wheeled vehicle industry, the change of electric motorcycle consumers in age, region, and individuation also affect the design orientation of electric motorcycle, especially the intelligent characteristic and the design of the driving experience.

As 4g5g, the Internet of things, Distributed operating system, artificial intelligence, big data, cloud technology, and other basic technologies mature, electric motorcycle's car intelligence also has more options, the industry has made many attempts, you can see a lot of carrying the internet, such as the ability to have basic voice interaction capabilities of the product was brought to market. At present, the domestic electric motorcycle intelligent technology is mainly applied to safety and experience. From the experience point of view, the main technology used at present is self-balanced assistant driving, but due to the special properties of motorcycle weight experience, the assistant driving function that can be applied to cars does not seem to be very ideal on an electric motorcycle, at present, the technology is at the stage of conservative propulsion.

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    Jiangsu Lvneng Electrical Bicycle Technology Co., Ltd. is located in the Economic Development Zone of Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province. It was established on September 9, 1999.

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